komentar [46]
- Napisao jfmarque na datum 28-06-2014 u 00:41:10
Hi Trax.
Here in Mexico there are not ZD 1V diodes. There are only 2.3. Is it enough? Could you please
tell me the function that ZD are doing there?
IP: n/a
Nakon gradnje uređaja potrebno je isprogramirati brojeve telefona koje će uređaj zvati prilikom aktivacije senzorskog ulaza.
Nakon programiranja potrebno je dovesti napajanje uređaju. Pritiskom tipke "Pokreni dojavu alarma" započinje zvanje tel. brojeva koji su uprogramirani. Kada se uspostavi poziv, dovoljno je na tastaturi telefona pritisnuti tipku # i uređaj će prestati da zove sve do narednog pritiska tipke za pokretanje dojave.
UPDATE: Source-code (ASM) je dostupan za download!
Umjesto tipke za početak dojave, naravno, poželjno je spojiti neki senzor.
Programiranje brojeva
- pritisnuti program dugme
- podignuti slušalicu na telefonu koji je spojen na istoj liniji
- ukucati prvi broj za poziv, a na kraju njega znak *
- ukucati drugi broj za poziv, a na kraju njega znak *
- ukucati tako brojeva koliko želite, a na kraju završiti sa *# (primjer: 061123123*061456456*#)
Napomena: može biti maksimalno 64 karaktera ukucano u programiranju uključujući znakove * i #.
Autor (poslao): Trax
Broj download-a: 17,284
Ocjena: (2.98, glasova 4136)
Datum: 17-02-2007
English version of this page: Phone call alert
Tagovi: controller, dtmf, line, phone. +dodaj svoj tag
Do you have a part number for these Z diodes? Something like 1N5221B (2.4V ZD).
IP: n/a
Hi Trax.
Here in Mexico there are not ZD 1V diodes. There are only 2.3. Is it enough? Could you please
tell me the function that ZD are doing there?
IP: n/a
Here you can find my MikroC code for HT9200A (serial DTMF generator).
IP: n/a
Anyone got a working one of these they want to sell?
Above the relay in the circuit, the one marked with U4 is LM7805 voltage stabilizer. There is a
place for relay on the PCB, it is the 6 pin device between the PIC and the big capacitor. It is
not in that place on my PCB because I made mistake with pinout, so I had to move relay beside
the transformer with wires.
IP: n/a
Thanks for your sharing and it is so usefull for most of us...
I have a question,,,
there is a relay in the photo near the transformator but in pcb there is no place for relay...
and what is the device name in the photo which is above the relay in the circuit, I could not
understand what it is... :s
thanks again...
Da li postoji mogućnost upotrebe HT9200A ili HT9200B čipa (serial-parallel mode) ?
IP: n/a
Thank you again, I really appreciate that, please forgive me for that selves request, thanks
Sosaif, I cannot make additional PCB design. I don't have time. There is a PCB design in the
project files (you downloaded it already) and you can open it with sPrint-Layout program (find
it on Google). Regards
IP: n/a
please Mr Trax reply for me if you could make the design more simply I'll be grateful.
this program can make the PCB automatically, it gives completion rate - of connection -.
I've constructed the circuit by this program but the PCB design correct connection was 71\%.
the program is:
and the circuit is in :
please post.
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