komentar [56]
- Napisao jfmarque na datum 02-07-2014 u 11:04:46
By the way. I am using a 9V battery as power source and 7805 to feed the project.
IP: n/a
Nakon gradnje uređaja potrebno je isprogramirati brojeve telefona koje će uređaj zvati prilikom aktivacije senzorskog ulaza.
Nakon programiranja potrebno je dovesti napajanje uređaju. Pritiskom tipke "Pokreni dojavu alarma" započinje zvanje tel. brojeva koji su uprogramirani. Kada se uspostavi poziv, dovoljno je na tastaturi telefona pritisnuti tipku # i uređaj će prestati da zove sve do narednog pritiska tipke za pokretanje dojave.
UPDATE: Source-code (ASM) je dostupan za download!
Umjesto tipke za početak dojave, naravno, poželjno je spojiti neki senzor.
Programiranje brojeva
- pritisnuti program dugme
- podignuti slušalicu na telefonu koji je spojen na istoj liniji
- ukucati prvi broj za poziv, a na kraju njega znak *
- ukucati drugi broj za poziv, a na kraju njega znak *
- ukucati tako brojeva koliko želite, a na kraju završiti sa *# (primjer: 061123123*061456456*#)
Napomena: može biti maksimalno 64 karaktera ukucano u programiranju uključujući znakove * i #.
Autor (poslao): Trax
Broj download-a: 17,284
Ocjena: (2.98, glasova 4136)
Datum: 17-02-2007
English version of this page: Phone call alert
Tagovi: controller, dtmf, line, phone. +dodaj svoj tag
Are you sure you don't need to use 1-3 as primary, and 4-6 as secondary? Why don't you try
that. Also, you should take earphones and connect them to the output of transformer, actually
between pin 2 of MT8880 and GND. You must hear DTMF tones when you press buttons on the other
IP: n/a
By the way. I am using a 9V battery as power source and 7805 to feed the project.
IP: n/a
We need to go step by step...
look. I am using this transformer: 42TL016-RC. there are 6 pins. reading the datasheet, I need
to use 1 and 2 for primary and 4 and 5 for secondary. What do you think?
IP: n/a
when I turn on the project, tone from telephone goes down.
IP: n/a
On each DTMF tone you press on your phone, the LED should turn off for a second. In you case it
doesn't turn off and that's because the alarm is not receiving DTMF tones from your phone. You
should try removing those zener diodes and those 1N4148 diodes after the transformer to see
what happens!
IP: n/a
My transformer does have 6 pines. It is suppose that I should use 4 only. 1 & 2 for primary
and 4 & 5 for secondary.
Would be nice that you test again this project and let me know exactly what the led do. let me
tell you my results:
1. turn on an led blinks
2. press program button and led stops flashing (stay on)
3. finish the phone number with # and LED remains on.
3a. if I press sensor nothing happening
3b. if I press program button, led blinks again so I press sensor and relay actuates...
would be great that you post a video here with the project operation... ;)
IP: n/a
You must connect this device on the telephone line that also has a phone connected to it. When
you pick up the phone, you should also press PROGRAM button on this alarm device. Then you
start entering numbers that it will call. Each number must end with * key, and after the last
one you must enter *#. You do not need to press PROGRAM button to exit programming mode, the
key # exits from programming.
IP: n/a
I have tested.... :(
Something is wrong or I did not understood the operation. I think the number is not being
programmed. As I understand, I need to connect to the phone line together with the telephone. I
will use the telephone keyboard to program the PIC once I have pressed the program button. Is
not clear what happen when I press the # key. I need to press the program button again to
return to "wait for sensor" status?
IP: n/a
I have not tested YET. How can I share you an image? I would like to have your point of view
about proto board connections.
IP: n/a
Hello, yes, you can put 2.3 diodes instead. These diodes are limiting audio signal that is
entering MT8880 chip. They are used to protect this IC. You can also put another 1N4148 diode
in parallel with the other one, but reverse polarized.
IP: n/a
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