comment [104]
- From Eddy on 21-06-2013 at 20:14:48
Is there an updated list of Nokia phones successfully tested.
TwoWay Thing (GSM controller v2) is a device that allows you to control appliances using SMS messages. There are also 4 inputs for connecting sensors so the device will send an alarm SMS or even call you to report an alarm condition. The device draws very little current and is being powered by phone’s battery which is a great thing. Nokia should be constantly charged or supplied with some sort of external power for long term operation.
TwoWay Thing has been successfully tested on:
- Nokia 7110 (19200 bps, 8 MHz crystal for PIC16F628A)
- Nokia 6210 (9600 bps, 4 MHz crystal for PIC16F628A)
- Nokia 6310i (9600 bps, 8 MHz crystal for PIC16F628A)
It should work on all DLR-3P Nokia phones with internal AT modem. These should work: 62xx, 63xx, 6210, 7110... Cable used for this device is DLR-3P cable made by and it’s embedded on the same PCB with the GMS Controller v3.
Details about functionality of the device are in a word doc document among files for download.
Author (sent by): Trax
Download counter: 20,573
Rating: (2.91, votes 4309)
Date: 16-10-2005
Lokalna verzija ove stranice: GSM kontroler v2
Tags: dlr3p, dvosmjerni, gsm, kontroler, nokia, sms, twoway. +add your tag
Hello Eddy! No, I did not test it any further.
IP: n/a
Is there an updated list of Nokia phones successfully tested.
I would like to try with my Own SIM moduled modem
could you able to send the source code of the project to my email id ( vijitron at )
Nazalost izvorni kod za PIC16F84 nisam pisao ja, nego neko drugi ( Mozes
disasemblirati kod, napraviti potrebne izmjene i ponovo ga iskompajlirati. Mozda ti uspije, a
ja nisam ni probao.
IP: n/a
Pozdrav svima.. Sjajan projekt
Moje pitanje je dali moze umesto PIC16F84A da se koristi PIC16F628a stim sto bi neko moga
modificirati hex fajl za PIC16F628A posto je mnogu jeftinii
IP: n/a
Its work fine-great thanks to Muris Pucic(TRAX)
I tried with Nokia 6210 and Pic16f628a for controller & pic16f84a,both at 9600
bauds/sec/8/n/1/settings for Hyperterminal from windows.
IP: n/a
sir, can i have a copy of the .asm file of this project? I badly need it sir..hope to have a
response from you soon or just pm me at my email address w/c is
Thank you in advance!!
IP: n/a
this is great for our thesis too.. :)
sir..can i ask for the source code for this project?? i am eager to make this as my thesis and
i would like take the chance to make your wonderful gadget..i will not forget to put your name
or your names in my aknowldgement..thank you sir and Godbless
please contact me on my e-mail
IP: n/a
Da li je izvodljiva upotreba AUX za prijem podataka, na primer temperature i ADC vrednosti sa
posebnom komandom za slanje tih podataka preko SMS?
IP: n/a
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