/Projekti/GSM call alarm

GSM call alarm je uređaj koji za zvanje odredišnog broja koristi Siemens ili Ericsson GSM telefon (19200 bauds RS232) i ima 1 senzorski ulaz i još jedan ulaz - stanje. Ukoliko je stanje = 0V tada je uređaj "aktivan" i prati stanje senzorskog ulaza. Uređaj se "deaktivira" otpajanjem on/off (stanje) ulaza sa mase (0V) ili spajanjem na + pol napajanja. Senzorski ulaz takođe reaguje na 0V.


In .rar file you will find JPG file that contains a description how to program the telephone number which this device will call upon alarm condition.


Autor (poslao): Trax

Broj download-a: 28,876

Ocjena: (2.94, glasova 6316)


Datum: 20-02-2005

English version of this page: GSM call alarm


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komentar [29]

Check the connection with the phone. You probably didn't connect something right. This alarm module works fine, many people built it. You will need to try a bit harder!
IP: n/a

komentar [28]

I build circuit again and it is working.The yellow diode is blinking every 15 s.I found siemens S45 but when i connect the phone to the circuit, nothing happen, yellow diode still blinking. What is the problem now??????????????? Thanks again.
IP: n/a

komentar [27]

Sorry it is 16 pin OSC1
IP: n/a

komentar [26]

If i connect the Pic on simple pic programmer it is say is ok, It was working for 3 days.What is problem Thanks??????????
IP: n/a

komentar [25]

Hi, is PIC16f84A 20/p DEAD.The circuit not respond, when i connect the power, nothing happen, but if a touch the pin where is connect the oscillator i think is 12 pin all diodes are flashing, and it doesn't work. Thanks??????????????????Please
IP: n/a

komentar [24]

You can try with WinPic it works 100\%.I've tried it and i assure you that works.You could find it on google and it's free. You should adjust com port, and that is
IP: n/a

komentar [23]

Hi i build the alarm but it was working for 3 days not in my car but, i connected to PC on 12 V, i wanted to test it. after 3 days the yellow light not blinking, i think is dead, why ????? now if i touch the 11 pin on PIC with finger the yellow light is flashing constantly. I wonder what is the problem?The PIC or crystal, HOW to check the PIC, because it is expensive here ? Thanks a lot bye.
IP: n/a

komentar [22]

hi trax...how are ya? ive tried your simple pic 16f84 programmer, i build it and tried it in icprog but it shows verify code error when i program it. can i ask if what hardware setting will i use? or there is something to configure? i used JDM in the settings but it displays error in the end. Thanx Trax
IP: n/a

komentar [21]

Every car alarm has one wire that is GND when alarm is armed, and it is VCC when alarm is not armed. You will find that wire in your car-alarm and connect it with GSM Call Alarm "ENABLE" input.
IP: n/a

komentar [20]

Hi me again ,i build the all circuit,but i still wait for pic,i cant find it in shops.That is ok.But i have a question? If i put all sensors to 4 door if i close the door on car how to activate the alarm, i mean to touch on/off wire to GND out of my car,funny a?I mean how to put it in standby position,if i do that before open the door, when i open the door it will ringing.I mean can i activate with ringing to mobile which is connected to GSM car alarm.I found with sms but with ringing? Thank you, and good
IP: n/a

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