/Projekti/GSM call alarm

GSM call alarm je uređaj koji za zvanje odredišnog broja koristi Siemens ili Ericsson GSM telefon (19200 bauds RS232) i ima 1 senzorski ulaz i još jedan ulaz - stanje. Ukoliko je stanje = 0V tada je uređaj "aktivan" i prati stanje senzorskog ulaza. Uređaj se "deaktivira" otpajanjem on/off (stanje) ulaza sa mase (0V) ili spajanjem na + pol napajanja. Senzorski ulaz takođe reaguje na 0V.


In .rar file you will find JPG file that contains a description how to program the telephone number which this device will call upon alarm condition.


Autor (poslao): Trax

Broj download-a: 28,876

Ocjena: (2.94, glasova 6316)


Datum: 20-02-2005

English version of this page: GSM call alarm


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komentar [39]

Thank you so much trax!!! (= ur so kind... I will do what have u said....(= Thank u 4 Everything!!!.. God Bless You...
IP: n/a

komentar [38]

When you put ON/OFF pin to GND, LED will blink fast for about 15sec. After that, it will blink slow - meaning it is ready to detect SENS input. This will happen only after the phone is properly initialized. You will now that it is initialized when yellow LED is always ON. Everything takes time, so when you properly connect everything leave it for 3 minutes to initialize. I have also uploaded flowchart in the original RAR file.
IP: n/a

komentar [37]

Hi trax. ive finished it... the yellow now blinks.. and when i hold the rx and tx or attached it to phone's rx tx, it blinks rapidly but if i put the gnd it stops.. but the phone didn't call... can i ask trax, if can u describe what will i see if it is truly functional? the red led will blink? thanx trax...im sorry if i bother u...(=
IP: n/a

komentar [36]

ei trax... do u have a flowchart for this device? (= thanx a lot
IP: n/a

komentar [35]

Did someone build the alarm with siemens S45??????
IP: n/a

komentar [34]

ok i will try.. thanx a lot trax....
IP: n/a

komentar [33]

Hi i used that pcb called gsm_call_alarm_new_ploc, and why second 4N35 from 4,5 and 6 pin only one is connected. Only collector ? Finally i give up. thanks for everything, i don't know what is the problem.Thanks bay.
IP: n/a

komentar [32]

Use the one in "gsm_call_alarm". That one is tested and works great. If you are having problems, check you crystal, maybe it is not working. If you can't get the device working, try connecting TX and RX the other way around (It should be connected like this: ALARM RX with GSM TX, ALARM TX with GSM RX, ALARM GND with GSM GND).
IP: n/a

komentar [31]

Hi trax, it's me again... which PCB layout will i use? the one in folder "gsm_call_alarm" or the one in "gsm_call_alarm_new_ploc"... because i tried the one in "gsm_call_alarm" but the led does not light up...thanx trax
IP: n/a

komentar [30]

Ok Thanks but i check every wire connection pins 100 of times i do not know where is the problem. But without connected phone should alarm work? i mean if i touch on/off or sensor to GND, because the alarm not respond again, the yellow diode is continuing to blinking?.Maybe it does not work with siemens S45?. Tanks again bye.
IP: n/a

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