/Projekti/GSM call alarm

GSM call alarm je uređaj koji za zvanje odredišnog broja koristi Siemens ili Ericsson GSM telefon (19200 bauds RS232) i ima 1 senzorski ulaz i još jedan ulaz - stanje. Ukoliko je stanje = 0V tada je uređaj "aktivan" i prati stanje senzorskog ulaza. Uređaj se "deaktivira" otpajanjem on/off (stanje) ulaza sa mase (0V) ili spajanjem na + pol napajanja. Senzorski ulaz takođe reaguje na 0V.


In .rar file you will find JPG file that contains a description how to program the telephone number which this device will call upon alarm condition.


Autor (poslao): Trax

Broj download-a: 28,876

Ocjena: (2.94, glasova 6316)


Datum: 20-02-2005

English version of this page: GSM call alarm


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komentar [49]

Hello, I have same problem as on comment 45. I made same GSM call alarm, but I have problem: after the sensor call my number and I cancel the call, ater couple second it call me again and it is repeating until I disconnect the power or cellphone. please help me regarding this problem. thank you in advance.
IP: n/a

komentar [48]

hello again! today replaced the program in the PIC what you sent me, and it's fixed the problem with the recalls. when the incoming call is cancelled after 40-50 secs it returns to alarm enabled state. here is some pictures, and test videos(read comments first!): http://angyalszarny.uw.hu/callalarm.jpg http://angyalszarny.uw.hu/callalarm2.jpg http://angyalszarny.uw.hu/test_1.MOV http://angyalszarny.uw.hu/test_5.MOV http://angyalszarny.uw.hu/tests_comments.txt regards, angelwing
IP: n/a

komentar [47]

ok trax thank you... here is my email.... brian_c85@yahoo.com...thank you very much..God Bless
IP: n/a

komentar [46]

I will send you new HEX to your E-mail. This one should work better for your phone... After testing, give us your results.
IP: n/a

komentar [45]

forgot to mention what happens on the panel: - Red is flashing : alarmed state - senzor triggered - Red is lighting countinosly calling - canceling the call / picking up on my destination phone - Yellow Led turns off, Red is on - Yellow Led turns on, Red is on and the telephone calling again. - canceling call .... repeating
IP: n/a

komentar [44]

hello Trax thank you for this schematic its really great, i already built it and its works. sadly i dont understand your comments, i dont know that language. my only problem is after put it to watching state and the alarm has been made... i can't stop the recalls. how can i stop it from outside? i tried to call the alarm from my number, tried to pick up and after 10 sec hang over it... tried to cancel the incoming call. these wasnt work.. can you help me ? regards, angelwing
IP: n/a

komentar [43]

ei trax, the module is now working, but it didn't call the number.. is it my phone MC60? or the encoded number on the hex? because when i encode it on the ICprog, I copied its ASM instead of hex and paste it in the mplab.. because our pic programmer is supported only on mplab, the picstart plus. Do i messed up the programming? what can you advise? thanx trax
IP: n/a

komentar [42]

Hi i really want to make that alarm, i wait only 15-50 sec, for phone to be initialize. Now i will try with SIEMENS A52 it should work?? Thanks for everything and good night.
IP: n/a

komentar [41]

ARME is ON/OFF pin that needs to be activated in order to "Arm" the alarm (make it ready).
IP: n/a

komentar [40]

can i ask for the last time?(= what do u mean by "ARME" in the flowchart? THANX AGAIN!!!! ur such a blessing to me...(=
IP: n/a

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