komentar [18]
ok trax, i will try it.. hehe thank you very much... (= May I ask if how much milliamperes do i
need for the 12V input? thanx again...(=
IP: n/a
GSM call alarm je uređaj koji za zvanje odredišnog broja koristi Siemens ili Ericsson GSM telefon (19200 bauds RS232) i ima 1 senzorski ulaz i još jedan ulaz - stanje. Ukoliko je stanje = 0V tada je uređaj "aktivan" i prati stanje senzorskog ulaza. Uređaj se "deaktivira" otpajanjem on/off (stanje) ulaza sa mase (0V) ili spajanjem na + pol napajanja. Senzorski ulaz takođe reaguje na 0V.
In .rar file you will find JPG file that contains a description how to program the telephone number which this device will call upon alarm condition.
Autor (poslao): Trax
Broj download-a: 28,876
Ocjena: (2.94, glasova 6316)
Datum: 20-02-2005
English version of this page: GSM call alarm
I guess you will not need more than 30mA but I am not sure...
IP: n/a
ok trax, i will try it.. hehe thank you very much... (= May I ask if how much milliamperes do i
need for the 12V input? thanx again...(=
IP: n/a
Well I guess you will have to test it out :)
IP: n/a
ei trax, my aunt will not give me the C45... ahaha i have found one but it is not on the list..
A Siemens MC60.. :(
IP: n/a
Assuming that all sensors give GND (0V) on their output when active, you can connect them all
into one point with 1N4007 diodes! So, you will need 6 diodes for that, and that's it. Here is
the simplest PIC16F84 programmer hardware:
IP: n/a
Thanks a lot for your attention it is ok now, but where to find a PIC programmer hardware,or i
have to ask to any shops or services.Yes i have car alarm, but, can i try to collect all 6
sensors form car alarm to some electrical circuit with inputs and to have one output for gsm
call alarm,you know how,OR CIRCUIT, to activate output if any of them is activate.If you know
some scheme for that?
Thanks again i will go in shop today to by all parts for this device.
Have a nice day.Bay.
IP: n/a
This device should be connected to existing car-alarms sensors, such as shock-sensor. You enter
your number a second before you burn the HEX file into PIC16F84 microcontroller. You can see
how to do that in "uputstvo.jpg" file, found in RAR file for download. To burn the
HEX program into the PIC you need IC-Prog software and PIC programmer hardware. You don't
connect this alarm to RS232 port, you connect it to the phone's TX, RX and GND pins. Really
IP: n/a
Hi i think this is good device, my car is 6 time crashed on parking, this is good solution for
me, but i have uncleared thinks?What is sensor, and how to enter my number to PIC16F84A-20/P
and how to program.Do i have to make something to siemens phones or what, and how to connect
gsm call alarm to RS232 port and which software do i use to program PIC16F84A-20/P.Thanks a
lot. Bye
IP: n/a
wow... ok trax.. thank you very much for the great info! and i will forcefully steal it from
aunt..hahaha Thank You Very Much for Your help... God Bless You,,, (:
IP: n/a
Here is a list of Siemens phones that should work: A60, C35, C45, C55, C60, S25, S55, SL55,
ME45, ME45, M50, S45, CF62, and Ericsson phones: T10s, T18, T28 but they will need 5 MHz
IP: n/a
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