/Projects/GSM call alarm

GSM call alarm is a device that will call a destination number via Siemens or Ericsson GSM phone (19200 bps RS232). It has 1 sensor input and another input - state (stanje). If state input is = 0V than the device is "active" and it monitors the sensor input. The device is deactivated when state pin is connected to Vcc (+). Sensor input is triggered by 0V.


In project file for download, you will find a JPG image that describes how to program the number you whish to be called when alarm occures. I hope you will find some use for this device, as I did - for my car.


Author (sent by): Trax

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Rating: (2.94, votes 6313)


Date: 20-02-2005

Lokalna verzija ove stranice: GSM call alarm


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comment [69]

Upisuje se umjesto tog broja. Prije nego sto kliknes "BURN" ili "Program" dugme na IC-Prog-u, iskljuci onu kvaku "CP" i onda ce moci da verifikuje.
IP: n/a

comment [68]

Ja imam jedan problem sa programiranjem PIC-a. Kada ucitam HEX fajl i izvrsim verifikaciju dobijem odgovor da je problem u adresi verify fail at adres 0000h! i to mi se dogadja sa *,hex fajlom sa sms alarmom i sa gsm alarmom. Koristim allPic i ic-prog 105c.. I jos jedno pitanje da li se broj upisuje umesto broja +38762xxx ili u nastavku probao sam i jedno i drugo i ništa. Hvala
IP: n/a

comment [67]

Nokia phones running on this circuit hex Publish
IP: n/a

comment [66]

Connect it to a sensor you are planing on using. "It has 1 sensor input and another input - state (stanje). If state input is = 0V than the device is "active" and it monitors the sensor input. The device is deactivated when state pin is connected to Vcc (+). Sensor input is triggered by 0V."
IP: n/a

comment [65]

sensor and on / off How to input to be connected.
IP: n/a

comment [64]

I don't know if it will work with A60 or A70, you must try it!
IP: n/a

comment [63]

senzor i za uključivanje / isključivanje Kako će veze. hvala.
IP: n/a

comment [62]

Thank you very much, it just stars work after adding the resistor of 4k7.The project is very useful. Thanks a lot.
IP: n/a

comment [61]

Actually, download the circuit from here http://www.elektronika.ba/666/tiny-gsm-alarm-system/ and see how GSM is connected to PIC (see the resistors and their values).
IP: n/a

comment [60]

If the phone keeps loosing network coverage, try putting a resistor of 4k7 on GSM RX line!
IP: n/a

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How much is = also add letter "a" at the end of your result! Eg.: 7a

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