/Projects/GSM call alarm

GSM call alarm is a device that will call a destination number via Siemens or Ericsson GSM phone (19200 bps RS232). It has 1 sensor input and another input - state (stanje). If state input is = 0V than the device is "active" and it monitors the sensor input. The device is deactivated when state pin is connected to Vcc (+). Sensor input is triggered by 0V.


In project file for download, you will find a JPG image that describes how to program the number you whish to be called when alarm occures. I hope you will find some use for this device, as I did - for my car.


Author (sent by): Trax

Download counter: 28,875

Rating: (2.94, votes 6313)


Date: 20-02-2005

Lokalna verzija ove stranice: GSM call alarm


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comment [109]

sa mnom nakon spajanja 12v žute bljeskove svakih 12 sekundi. i samo treperi i trepti. ne svijetli stalno.korisnik piše: " -Prikljucivanje napajanja 12V tada bi trbala blinkati žuta LED svakih 15ak sek... -Prikljucivanje Moby-a na interface tada sljedi inicijalizacija i trebala bi svijetlit žuta non stop... " za mene to ne postoji.

comment [108]

ne radi ispravno. okrenuo više RX i TX, napravio sam se kao TX i RX 666, a projekt ne radi. samo žuto LED trepće svakih 12 sekundi i ništa više.

comment [107]

ME45 bi trebalo da moze! Provjeri da li si slucajno zamjenio TX i RX zice...
IP: n/a

comment [106]

hello. Ja sam novajlija i elektronike učiniti alarm. ali to ne radi. napon povezujući žuto LED trepće svakih 12 sekundi i ništa se ne događa wieęcej. Što bi to moglo biti? je li test je provjeriti telefonskim pozivom? cerebralne ME45 ne može raditi? Pomoć

comment [105]

Postoji li mogućnost da mi netko izradi ovakav sustav?

comment [104]

Page in English is here: http://www.elektronika.ba/501/gsm-alarm-caller/ You can download everything by clicking on red download button above the comment section.
IP: n/a

comment [103]

i want to implement this circuit as my final year project with a fire alarm circuit. please can you send me the schematics and operation of this circuit in English language. Thank you

comment [102]

Please can you send me the schematics of this project to my email? I intend to do a similar project.Thanx

comment [101]

Trebas isprogramirati sve kako pise u uputstvu. :-)
IP: n/a

comment [100]

jos samo jedno pitanje jel treba celo kolo da programiram ili samo da se ukuca broj tel hvala jos jednom i molim vas imajte razumevanja ovo je za mene novo...hvala

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