komentar [21]
- Napisao trax na datum 21-04-2010 u 14:17:00
No it can't. You should make "GSM controller v2 (TwoWay Thing)" if you have DLR3-P
Nokia laying around.
IP: n/a
SMS alarm je vrlo jednostavan uređaj. Za slanje SMS poruka koristi Siemens telefon a ima 5 ulaza - znači šalje 5 različitih poruka. Za svaki senzor uprogramiramo odgovarajuću poruku koju želimo da primimo na mobilni kada se alarm aktivira. Programiranje se vrši preko PC-a odgovarajućim programom koji je priložen u arhivi.
Autor (poslao): Trax
Broj download-a: 30,132
Ocjena: (2.98, glasova 5779)
Datum: 17-12-2004
English version of this page: GSM SMS alarm
Trax imam stari Ericsson T10s da li bi radilo kada bih stavio 5Mhz krisal.Ako bi da li može
5,0688Mhz trenutno to mogu naći.
IP: n/a
No it can't. You should make "GSM controller v2 (TwoWay Thing)" if you have DLR3-P
Nokia laying around.
IP: n/a
can it work with nokia phones or any other phones (incase i connect the same pins rx,tx,gnd
with the same pins)
IP: n/a
Thanks For Reply
I am trying that circuit, everything is ok Upto Red LED Glow, but with sms uploader I can't
Connected. Please Provide Me pin config. For PC To PIC.
I Am Using PIC16F84A 04/P
When I click SMS Uploader "Connect" Buttan Green LED Blink One Time. But A Massege
apeared In German Language. Please Give Me Your mail ID.
Or Send me Note For That Fault On My mail ID: kr_ishan@hotmail.com
IP: n/a
I used it, but it can give you problems since -04 version is for 4MHz crystals. In this circuit
10MHz is used, so you really should get the -10 version.
IP: n/a
can i used pic 16F84A 04/P instead of pic 16f84A 10/P
IP: n/a
Well, do you see any LEDs blinking?? Does anything work at all?
IP: n/a
until now i could not connect the board to the pc, so the sms uploader did not work
IP: n/a
Well, what seems to be the problem? Is your PIC working properly? Did you connect the phone
properly? ...?
IP: n/a
hi all,
until now i could not manage to make this device work. and you promised me to send me a sample.
IP: n/a
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