SMS alarm je vrlo jednostavan uređaj. Za slanje SMS poruka koristi Siemens telefon a ima 5 ulaza - znači šalje 5 različitih poruka. Za svaki senzor uprogramiramo odgovarajuću poruku koju želimo da primimo na mobilni kada se alarm aktivira. Programiranje se vrši preko PC-a odgovarajućim programom koji je priložen u arhivi.
You have HEX file to burn into the PIC first. After that you connect ALARM to PC and work with
uploader. The uploader will import text of SMS messages that you with PDUspy program. You must
use EEPROM (24C512/515 - see circuit diagram for eeprom info), it cannot be replaced with
MAX232!!! IP: n/a
Dear Trax, Thanks for your nice effort , because i finally found what i am looking for,i jurst
need to ask you 2 questions :
1- after connecting thins great crcuit , i just connect the device to the PC and press the
programming button then the sms uploader will do the rest, i mean there is so ASM files to be
burn in the PIC
2- if i don't have the 24LC515 can i use the MAX232 with the same connections IP: n/a