/Projekti/GSM SMS alarm

SMS alarm je vrlo jednostavan uređaj. Za slanje SMS poruka koristi Siemens telefon a ima 5 ulaza - znači šalje 5 različitih poruka. Za svaki senzor uprogramiramo odgovarajuću poruku koju želimo da primimo na mobilni kada se alarm aktivira. Programiranje se vrši preko PC-a odgovarajućim programom koji je priložen u arhivi.


Autor (poslao): Trax

Broj download-a: 30,132

Ocjena: (2.98, glasova 5779)


Datum: 17-12-2004

English version of this page: GSM SMS alarm


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komentar [12]

PDUspy: http://www.nobbi.com/pduspy.html
IP: n/a

komentar [11]

gde je program pduspy. da li je neko konacno napravio ovaj uredjaj da mu radi i da li moze da se modifikuje da upravlja na udaljenoj lokaciji recimo da resetuje nesto

komentar [10]

hi i would love to have a copy of the asm file if possible and mod it for my reqirements. Can you please send to danbicks@yahoo.co.uk. Big thanks

komentar [9]

ppozz svima može li mi neko reći koji mobitel da spojim na ovo i kako da spojim ovo na računar za programiranje
IP: n/a

komentar [8]

yes trax i did what you said, i will revise the steps again with you. 1- the programming button is relased 2- with the power on, (red led is blinking is it is still and the green led is constant.) 3- pluged the serial port in the PC 4- Push the programming button . then connect to the device using the smsuploader. when i press same some time no message appear and some other time the message that i told you appears. so advice me what can i do ? i will sent you a vedio to your mail about the steps
IP: n/a

komentar [7]

The message you get "Greska pri slanju..." means that the SMS uploader software didn't receive a confirmation byte from SMS Alarm. Did you put SMS Alarm into the programming mode as described in the document?? I think you didn't...
IP: n/a

komentar [6]

Dear Trax, thanks for your help, i did all your instructions and it i think it is working i red led is not blinking and the green one is blinking twice then take a while then reblink again but when i use the sms uploader it connected to the device but i does not save any data it propemt a message saying "--------------------------- SMS Uploader --------------------------- Greška pri slanju! Nisam dobio potvrdu poslanog podatka od ureðaja! --------------------------- OK ---------------------
IP: n/a

komentar [5]

i burned the pic with the hex file that i was downloaded, and the crystal is 10 Mhz so what so u think???
IP: n/a

komentar [4]

You probably didn't burn the HEX file into your PIC micro controller. Maybe your crystal is not working properly so PIC doesn't have a valid clock source? Triple check everything!
IP: n/a

komentar [3]

hi Tax, This this me again, finally i got the 24LC515 and followed your steps as u told me, but i don't know why it is not working, i connected a 5 V DC as input but non of the leds lights up , can u help me please?
IP: n/a

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