/Projects/GSM SMS alarm

SMS alarm is a very simple device. To send SMS it uses Siemens gsm phone and it has 5 inputs - it means that it can send 5 different SMS messages. For each sensor input we write SMS text that we wish to receive when alarm condition happens. Programing is done via PC and proper software that is available for download.


Author (sent by): Trax

Download counter: 30,132

Rating: (2.98, votes 5779)


Date: 17-12-2004

Lokalna verzija ove stranice: GSM SMS alarm


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comment [82]

Moze se dodati pauza od nekih 15min nakon aktivacije senzora da uredjaj ostane blokiran dok ona ne istekne...
IP: n/a

comment [81]

I don't have the ASM file - I have lost it.
IP: n/a

comment [80]

Please I need very urgent ASM file to many alarm system which you please have it sent to me on nikolov_1988m@abv.bg
IP: n/a

comment [79]

Trax jedno tehničko pitanje. Ima li šanse dodati interval timer za senzore. Npr. ako se neki senzor aktivira i ostane aktiviran, šalje se prvi sms ali on blokira uređaj i ostali senzori se ne mogu aktivirati i poslati sms. Praktično uređaj ostane u modu za slanje. Bilo bi dobro dodati da kad se neki senzor aktivira pošalje sms za taj senzor, i PIC taj aktivirani senzor ne provereva u narednih npr 15min sve dok se ne resetuje alarm uređaj ili nešto slično. Poz
IP: n/a

comment [78]

Could you send me ASM file for PIC 16F84A I urgently need my email here nikolov_1988m@abv.bg thank you in advance.
IP: n/a

comment [77]

Could you send me ASM file to pic 16f84a the mail nikolov_1988m@abv.bg

comment [76]

Da li je neko probao EEPROM 24C64N 64KB ? 24LC65 i 24LC256 rade provereno!
IP: n/a

comment [75]

Radi i sa tutinom PCB provereno! Poz
IP: n/a

comment [74]

Da li nekome radi sa tutinom PCB?
IP: n/a

comment [73]

Da ja sam probao sa njim radi lepo. eeprom serial 2.5V, 64K BIT IuC BUS, DIP8
IP: n/a

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