comment [27]
- From trax on 25-01-2013 at 08:16:18
Nazalost bubica nije na prodaju :)
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"Autor (poslao): Trax"
IP: n/a
How about getting that old Nokia phone out of your drawer and turning it into something freakishly cool? I will not lie to you, you will need a few tools and skills such as soldering/desoldering and making PCBs.
You can download files (schematics) by clicking on red download button below.
The range of this FM bug is around 1km with full CR2032 battery and good conditions. As the battery discharges the transmission range reduces as well as the oscillation frequency (VCO).
This bug can be received at frequency of around 430 MHz. Use NFM demodulation in reception. Yes, you can use your PC TV tuner card to receive audio from this transmitter!
All parts on this bug are from 2 Nokia phones:
R0464 VCO - from - Nokia 3210
All other parts - from - Nokia 1611
You can receive this bug using these receivers that you can also build:
Author (sent by): Trax
Download counter: 15,408
Rating: (2.93, votes 4827)
Date: 05-03-2008
Lokalna verzija ove stranice: FM bubica 420-480 MHz
Tags: bubica, fm, nokia, predajnik, prisluškivač. +add your tag
What is this, a transmitter for ants?
Nazalost bubica nije na prodaju :)
Ako ti trebaju neki dalji detalji, obrati mi se na e-mail, imas gore link kod teksta
"Autor (poslao): Trax"
IP: n/a
druze,kako mozemo da supimo u kontakt,jer bih hteo da narucim bubicu,tako da vidim cenu?
nice but a little bit complicated.
Nice work, but a poor frequency band for some parts of the world. Little chance the bug
builder/placer/monitor will be discovered. A bit larger chance the bug itself will be
1km range at 420-480Mhz?
I wouldn’t do that w/o a license.
If you are receivable at 1km with a TV card you are probably receivable considerably farther by
a ham with a decent base antenna from 430-450Mhz or worse yet by Police/Fire/Military/etc which
use the rest of that band.
Jel moze neko da mi kaze koji tu prijemnik moze da prima signal ove bubice, gledao sam neke,
ali nmg sad da se setim koji su to.... nesto kao motorola, kao toki-voki, tako malo, a da ima
ispis frekvencije na ekranu.
IP: n/a
mozel mi neko poslat ako ima nesto o D/A konverziji na
Slabo da moze. Moze na TV tuner karticama ili cak na starim televizorima!
IP: n/a
Vozdra dobra stvar samo mozeli se povecati frekvencija prijema ovoga signala da se na primjer
moze taj prijem hvatati na nekim radio prijemnicima.....
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