/El.sheme/Sve ostalo/Geigerov brojač v1

Detektor Beta i Gama zračenja sa neonkom.

Autor (poslao): Electronic Design

Broj download-a: 1,960

Ocjena: (2.87, glasova 1697)


Datum: 20-03-2004

English version of this page: Geiger counter v1


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komentar [2]

2. ...sensitivity current amplifier for it. Yes, a high radioactivity can be easily detected by the circuit like the one used in cancer treatment.Idea is good one and even though it should not be confused to replacing GM Tubes.

komentar [1]

1. In GM Tubes, electron multiplication factor of 10000 is achieved. Perhaps in this design, a multiplication factor of 100 may be possible at 100V and electric field is small and not a cylindrical one to get high 1/r field at anode. One may need high...

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