/Schematics/Microcontrollers/PIC programmer v1
This PIC programmer supports programming and re-programming of folowing devices:
PIC10F200/202/204/206/220/222, PIC12F508/509/510, PIC16F54/57/59, PIC12F629/635/675/683, PIC16F627/628, PIC16F627A/628A/648A,PIC16F630/636/639/676, PIC16F684/685/687/688/689/690, PIC16F818/819, PIC16F84A, PIC16F87/88, PIC16F870/871/872/873/874/876/877, PIC16F873A/874A/876A/877A.
Author (sent by): feng3
Download counter: 6,054
Rating: (2.91, votes 3514)
Date: 08-12-2006
Lokalna verzija ove stranice: PIC programator v1
Tags: pic, port, programator, rs232, serijski. +add your tag
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