Adjustable power supply using LM317 I +-------+ O Vin (+) o-----+---| LM317 |---+--------------+-----o Vout (+) | +-------+ | | | | A / | | | \ R1 = 240 | | | / | ___ _|_ C1 | | +_|_ C2 |_0_| LM317 ___ .01 +-------+ ___ 1 uF | | 1 - Adjust | uF | - | |___| 2 - Output | \ | ||| 3 - Input | / R2 | 123 | \ | | | | Vin(-) o------+-------+----------------------+-----o Vout (-) For the LM317: R2 = (192 x Vout) - 240, where R2 in ohms, Vout is in volts and must be at between 1.2 V and 35 V. Vin should be at least 2.5V greater than Vout. Select a wall adapter with a voltage at least 2.5 V greater than your regulated output at full load Maximum output current is 1 A. Use proper heatsink for LM317 if it has to dissipate more than 1W. The tab of the LM317 is connected to the center pin. Equation for calculating the output voltage when R1 and R2 are known: Vout = 1.25V * (1 + R2/R1) + Iadj * R2 Where Iadj is typically in the range of 50 microamperes